Hello everyone! Thanks for coming to our website and checking out our first blog! This blog is going to be mainly for us to learn how to use these tools and implement them so we can then start on our main website with what we learn here! So somethings to look forward to on here are going to be some tips and tricks on dumpster rentals, things that cannot go in the dumpster with explanations as to why, where to recycle things, random thoughts of rentals we had that day, answering any questions we may get asked and whatever other ideas we have that may be beneficial for you! So the first picture here is one of our trucks that we run. This was taken the first time we had it hooked up to our trailer and have since added our logo onto it as well as dot numbers to make sure we are legal! So if you have any questions shoot us an email to info@lancasterdumpsterrentals.com or give us a call/text to 717-746-8808!